A Chandelier Glow Up

Over the summer, our cherished chandelier was removed and transported to Connecticut-based Grand Light for deep cleaning and re-cabling. The lighting experts are now in the process of ultrasonically and hand cleaning the massive lighting fixture. High-frequency sound waves agitate the liquid solution of water or solvent and cause the cavitation of solution molecules. That’s the technical way to describe the cleaning of 25,066 crystal components! Thanks to Grand Light for caring for our chandelier – and for counting all the crystals. We’ve long wondered just how many there are!

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A Chandelier Glow Up

Over the summer, our cherished chandelier was removed and transported to Connecticut-based Grand Light for deep cleaning and re-cabling. The lighting experts are now in the process of ultrasonically and hand cleaning the massive lighting fixture. High-frequency sound waves agitate the liquid solution of water or solvent and cause the cavitation of solution molecules. That’s the technical way to describe the cleaning of 25,066 crystal components! Thanks to Grand Light for caring for our chandelier – and for counting all the crystals. We’ve long wondered just how many there are!

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A Chandelier Glow Up

A Chandelier Glow Up

Over the summer, our cherished chandelier was removed and transported to Connecticut-based Grand Light for deep cleaning and re-cabling. The lighting experts are now in the process of ultrasonically and hand cleaning the massive lighting fixture. High-frequency sound waves agitate the liquid solution of water or solvent and cause the cavitation of solution molecules. That’s the technical way to describe the cleaning of 25,066 crystal components! Thanks to Grand Light for caring for our chandelier – and for counting all the crystals. We’ve long wondered just how many there are!

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We’re Here to Help!

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us!

Nicole Merusi

Vice President of Strategic Advancement
508.997.5664 ext.111

Molly McCarthy

Director of Development
508.997.5664 ext.143
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