Zeiterion Performing Arts Center undergoes $37M renovation

Thank you to our Beyond100 Donors

Anonymous ∙ Milton and Marilyn Adams ∙ Jake and Ashley Adelberg ∙ The Ailes Family ∙ Frank and Denise Almeida ∙ Michele Almeida ∙ Michelle Almeida ∙ Jennifer and Kevin Almond ∙ Dr. Gary Alves ∙ Joel and Lisa Alvord ∙ Joseph Amaral ∙ Dana Anderson ∙ Karen Anderson ∙ Roy Andrade ∙ Pat Ansay ∙ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Antonell ∙ Sarah Arguin ∙ Pamela Haznar ∙ Maureen and Raymond Armstrong ∙ Richard Armstrong ∙ Dennis Arsenault ∙ Sarah Athanas ∙ Colleen and Dan Avedikian ∙ Jeanne and Mike Avila ∙ Greg and Anne Avis ∙ Karen and Jib Babbitt ∙ Pearl and Paul Bacdayan ∙ Blair and Jessica Bailey ∙ John & Patricia Bailleul ∙ Deborah and Benjamin Baker ∙ Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baker, Jr. ∙ Hope Lincoln Baker in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Gretchen and Buddy Baker-Smith in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Baldwin Reyering Family ∙ Lisa Ballou ∙ Dr. Dennis Barley ∙ Henry Barnard ∙ Soo Barnard ∙ Whit and Susie Barnard ∙ Holly and Dana Barrows ∙ Pamela and Joseph Barry ∙ Christina Bascom ∙ Dennis Bastarache ∙ Bianca and Michael Bator ∙ Tom and Gale Beaton ∙ The Rodgers Family Foundation ∙ Lucien Beaulieu ∙ Jack Belkin ∙ Arthur Bennett ∙ Dorothy W. Bentley ∙ Rita Hickey ∙ Teresa E. Berard ∙ Susanne and David M. Bercovici ∙ Mindy Berman ∙ Pamela and Ricardo Bermudez ∙ Leslie and Robert Bernert ∙ Leslie and Robert Bernert ∙ D.M. Berry ∙ Diane A. Berube and Stephen H. Naiman ∙ Philip G. Besse ∙ Elizabeth Bettencourt ∙ Madeline Bettencourt ∙ Jo-Ann Bier ∙ Alicia Bjornson ∙ Laurie Black ∙ Caroline and Michael Blais ∙ Vanda and Alan Blinn ∙ Mark D. Blouin ∙ John and Romayne Bockstoce in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Linda and John Bodenmann ∙ Peter Bogle ∙ Zoraida and Walter Bohn ∙ Elisabeth and Rose Botelho ∙ Jassmyne Bousquet ∙ The Boutwell Family ∙ Jim and Debbie Bowen ∙ Sharon A. Bowley ∙ Claudia and Virgilio Braga ∙ Nancy Braitmayer ∙ Melissa Branco ∙ Susan Braz-Martin ∙ Joanne Seymour and Brian Ruh ∙ Mel and Jim Bride ∙ Mel and Jim Bride ∙ Karen and Richard Brodeur ∙ Heidi and Bruce Brooks ∙ Carol and Corin Brown ∙ Heidi Silverstein ∙ Janet Brown & Michael Brewer ∙ Hanne and Robert Browne ∙ David Brunette ∙ Donna Brunyak-Allen ∙ Wolfgang, Mokita & Charlie ∙ Lucia Bulgar ∙ Laurie and John K. Bullard ∙ Tia and Peter Bullard ∙ Tom and Judy Bullitt ∙ Kevin Burgess ∙ Phillip Burgess ∙ Jayne and Richard Burkhardt ∙ William Burns ∙ Anna Christina Cabral ∙ Dan and Joyce Calnen ∙ Dr. Joanne and Mr. David Cameron ∙ Aurora Cammarata ∙ Karyn and Ben Campbell ∙ Laura Campbell ∙ Mary Canastra ∙ Virginia Canfield ∙ Matt & Amy Card ∙ Paul Cardullo ∙ Lucinda Carey ∙ Rena Carleton ∙ Phyllis Carter ∙ Margarida and Mario Carvalho ∙ Amy Cassello ∙ Sandra Casteel ∙ Mary Jane Cayer ∙ Sandra Cesolini ∙ In Memory of Leo J. Charbonneau ∙ Ruzica Chisholm ∙ Andrew J. Chlebus ∙ Kimberly Christopher ∙ Joe and Joyce Ciffolillo ∙ Gloria Clark ∙ Lily Clark ∙ Mary Cloutier ∙ Rachel Y. Cohen ∙ Sarah Collier ∙ Jean Purrier and Bud Coluzzi ∙ Anne Converse ∙ Caroline Conzatti ∙ Mary W. Cook ∙ Cooper Insurance Agency ∙ Kim O'Neale-Corazzini and Joseph Corazzini ∙ Debby and Bill Corbett ∙ Patricia Cordeiro ∙ Tasha Cordero ∙ Adam Correia ∙ John Coucci ∙ Jennifer Coye ∙ Alicia Crabbe ∙ Evelyn Crocker ∙ Nancy Crosby ∙ David Croteau ∙ Ann Cyr ∙ Allison Cywin ∙ Helen Dacunha ∙ Chan Dai Family ∙ Daley Charitable Fund ∙ Liana Dancey ∙ Melissa Danforth ∙ Gail Davidson and Tom Gidwitz ∙ Judith R. Davis ∙ Claudia de Sousa-Baptista ∙ Suzanne de Vegh ∙ Sarah Decas ∙ Rachel and Adam Deery ∙ Paula and Anthony DeMarco ∙ Linda and Stephen DeMello ∙ Carolyn DeMoranville ∙ Ruth DeRosier ∙ Natalie Derrick ∙ Ann Desrosiers ∙ Susan Dias ∙ Diane Dion ∙ Priscilla and Allan Ditchfield ∙ Matt Dobberteen ∙ Robert Donald ∙ James and Corinne Donovan ∙ Paul and Donna Downey ∙ Angela & John Doyle ∙ Sue and Ray Drouin ∙ Michelle and Bruce Duarte, Jr. ∙ Ken Duffie ∙ Margery H. and Paul R. Dumaine ∙ Adele Dunhill ∙ Al Easterday ∙ Melinda and Kevin Eaton ∙ Harold and Ginny Eckert ∙ Lucy and Burnham Edson ∙ Nancy and Jim Edwards ∙ Mary Eggert ∙ Rebecca Eissenova ∙ John Eklund ∙ Padraic Elliott ∙ Bradford Ellis, Melissa Ellis ∙ Mary Esteves ∙ Sally and Bob Evans ∙ Robert and Janet Feingold in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Deborah Fencer ∙ Kate and David Fentress ∙ Margaret M. Fernandes ∙ Karen and Mark A. Ferreira ∙ Mrs. Sarah Jane & Mr. Stefan Ferreira ∙ Barbara and Paul Ferri ∙ Kim and Joe Ferro ∙ Maryann Ferro ∙ Brittany Figueroa ∙ Nick and Sara Finn ∙ Sw Finnigan ∙ Diane Finucci ∙ Donna and Barry Flor ∙ Sarah Flynn and David Prosten in honor of Helena Hartnett ∙ Edward & Daphne Siegal ∙ Andrea and Tyffaney Fonseca ∙ Marie L. Fontaine ∙ Carolyn Fontes ∙ Margaret and James Forbush ∙ Sandi Ford ∙ Lawrence and Judith Foster ∙ Debby Flynn and Frank Fostin ∙ Ann Fournier ∙ Allison Francisco ∙ Chris Electronics ∙ Jennifer L. Frasier ∙ Robert Frechette ∙ Linda Fredette ∙ Sandra and Alex Freedman ∙ Marya and Stefan Gabriel ∙ Eileen Paccia ∙ Lynne Galipeau ∙ Judy and Ron Galley ∙ Mark & Jill Garvin ∙ George and Suzanne Gebelein ∙ James C. Gedney ∙ Jonathan Geggatt ∙ Christopher Giblin ∙ Elizabeth and Jeffrey Giddings ∙ Diane Gilbert in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Peter H. Glass ∙ Buzz and Kim Goddard ∙ Susan Goddard ∙ Kathleen and Gary Golas ∙ Jennifer Golden ∙ John J. Goldrosen ∙ Joseph J. Gomes ∙ Catherine Gonzalez ∙ Michael Goodman ∙ Molly and Jeff Goodman ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John Gorczyca ∙ Jacqueline Gordon ∙ Susan Gorman ∙ Joe and Bev Gracia ∙ Victoria Greco ∙ Chuck and Andrea Green ∙ Marjorie and Nicholas Greville ∙ Jim and Janice Griffin ∙ David Whelan & Susan Griffin ∙ Ben Jones and Kimberly Griffith ∙ Deborah Grimes ∙ Judi and Michael Grimley ∙ Judi and Michael Grimley ∙ Leslie Guggiari ∙ Christopher Gustin ∙ Susan McLaren and Philip Guymont ∙ Jocelin Hamblett ∙ Teresa M. Hamm ∙ Louise and James Hardiman ∙ Louise Hardiman ∙ Ross Harris ∙ Mara Hart ∙ William Hart ∙ Helena and Ken Hartnett ∙ Pamela Harvey ∙ Rosemary Haseltine ∙ Brickett Hatten ∙ Pamela Haznar ∙ Patricia Heino ∙ The Sylvia/Heleen Family ∙ Janne Hellgren ∙ Lenore S. Henderson ∙ Maggi Lawrence Henrikson ∙ Kristen Henriques ∙ Bill and Lyn Herbert ∙ Ted and Judy Herlihy ∙ Ted and Judy Herlihy ∙ Elizabeth Hesketh ∙ Patricia Hess ∙ Kathleen Hickey ∙ Cela and Matthew Hobbs ∙ Elizabeth Hobbs ∙ Marianne Hodgson in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Edward Hoffer ∙ Thomas J. Ciesielka & Christine A Hoh ∙ Robert Horta ∙ Raymond Houtman ∙ Dr. Jack and Leslie Howard ∙ Debbie & Bob Huckabee ∙ James Hughes ∙ Maryellen and Jim Hughes ∙ Peter and Helena Hughes ∙ Heidi and Arthur Huguley ∙ Elizabeth Huidekoper ∙ Mary Lou and Herb Humphries ∙ Lawrence D. Hunt & Lisa Shaw ∙ Susan and David Hutchings ∙ Catherine Ianno ∙ Pamela C. Ilsley ∙ Elizabeth Isherwood Moore ∙ Susan and Nicholas Iwanisziw ∙ Ilene and Richard Jacobs ∙ Anne Coyne Jarvis ∙ Patricia A. Jayson ∙ Geoff and Dottie Jenkins ∙ Doreen Jennings ∙ Wendy and Kenneth Joblon ∙ Cheryl Johnson ∙ Kenneth Josephson ∙ Kevern and Pamela Joyce ∙ Donna Junier ∙ Pat and John Kalisz ∙ Pat and John Kalisz ∙ Alan and Lisa Katz ∙ Colleen and Gerry Kavanaugh ∙ Peter and Mary Kavanaugh in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Janet Kawa ∙ Karen Kayser ∙ Rebecca Kearney ∙ Will and Fran Keene ∙ Mark and Nancy Keighley ∙ Rusty and Betsy Kellogg ∙ Carol Kerrissey ∙ Trudy Kingery ∙ Anne and Peter Kirschmann ∙ Leslie Knowles ∙ Sheila and Gerard Koot ∙ Jayne and John Korn ∙ Susan Korsmeyer ∙ Peter N. Kosta ∙ Heather Parsons and Andrew Kotsatos ∙ Jonathan & Catherine Kramer ∙ Sandra-Marie Kuczewski ∙ Nancy and Ted Kurtz ∙ Tali and Mark Kwatcher ∙ Lynne and Justin LaCroix ∙ Raina and Stephen Lamade ∙ Denise and Paul Lamoureux ∙ Pamela T. Lasher ∙ Betsy Lawrence ∙ Elizabeth and Douglas Leatham ∙ Robert Leclair ∙ Sally Ann Ledbetter ∙ Thelma and Kenneth Ledoux ∙ Calvin and Anne Lee ∙ Mary Ellen H. Lees in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Leger ∙ Rachelle Lemieux ∙ Fernando and Diane Lemos ∙ Robert Rocha and Kristen Leotti ∙ Sue and Mike Letourneau ∙ Frances Levin ∙ Gerald & Maureen Lewis ∙ In memory of Ben Baker ∙ Bruce and Jean Lider ∙ Philip Lima ∙ Ann Lipham ∙ Kenneth Lipman ∙ Barbara Pearl and Marty Lipman ∙ Barbara and David Loranger ∙ Raymond Loranger ∙ Jane Lorch ∙ Tom and MaryAnne Lord ∙ Torben Lorenzen ∙ Nicole Lovett ∙ Kristine Ludwig ∙ Mary Lynch ∙ Carolyn and Robert Lytle ∙ Cathy Maccini ∙ Demarest Lloyd Macdonald ∙ Tom and Andrea Macha ∙ Karen Maciulewicz ∙ Richard Magan ∙ June Mahala ∙ Gaetane and Patrick Mahon ∙ Kate Mahoney ∙ Pam Donnelly and Timothy Mahoney ∙ Timothy Mahoney ∙ Bettina Borders and Victor Mailey ∙ Mark Malkovich ∙ Debra Gayle and Michael Malone ∙ Mary Mandeville in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Christine Marcolini ∙ Alvin and Andrea Marcovici ∙ Christie and Christopher Marotta ∙ Chris J. Martin ∙ Karyne Martins ∙ Diane Maynard ∙ Steve and Silvija Mazza ∙ Ann McCarthy ∙ Molly McCarthy ∙ Holly and Joe McDonough ∙ Michael and Alicia McGill ∙ JP and Shari McGuire ∙ Tom McNaught and Matthew Gilbert ∙ Margaret Mcsweeny ∙ Emily Mead ∙ Susan E. Mead ∙ Sherry Michael ∙ Nina and John Middleton ∙ Olivia Miller ∙ Patricia Miller ∙ Rose and Frederick Miller ∙ Barbara and Wayne Miller ∙ Robert Miranda ∙ Eleanor K. Mis ∙ Stuart Mitchell ∙ William Mitchell ∙ Bunny and Bob Mogilnicki ∙ Kevin Mohan ∙ Carol and John Molander ∙ Katherine Monroe ∙ Al and Terri Monteiro ∙ Christina Connelly and Sean Moriarty ∙ Regina M. Mullen ∙ Richard Murdock ∙ Jim Murphy ∙ Betts and Wisner Murray ∙ Patricia Murray ∙ Michele & Patrick Murray ∙ Patricia & James Mustacaros ∙ The Poitras Family ∙ Margaret Nash ∙ Joseph Nauman ∙ Matthew and Janeen Nelson ∙ Shawn Nelson ∙ Brook E. Nelson-Caesar ∙ Kathleen A. Nemer ∙ Patrice Nogueira ∙ Susan Norton ∙ Harry and Pam Norweb ∙ Joclyne Nunes ∙ Mary O'Beirne ∙ Lucie O'Brien ∙ Bill and Mary O'Keefe ∙ Carol Ollivierre ∙ Mary Olmsted ∙ Jennifer O'Neill ∙ Marsha and John Onufrak ∙ Alexia Orphanides ∙ Alla Ostrovsky ∙ Maurice and Deacon Ouellette ∙ Steven & Barbara Pallatroni ∙ M. Margaret Palmer ∙ Gisele Pappas ∙ The Pappas Family Charitable Fund ∙ Dennis and Diane Paquette ∙ Pauline and Barry Parker ∙ Ann Parson ∙ Sandria Parsons ∙ Jay Pasco-Anderson ∙ Andrea Patisteas and Tony Resendes ∙ The Carlyle Group - Patterson Finn Fair Oaks Giving ∙ George and Monique Pavao ∙ Brian and Diane Pepin ∙ Polly Perkins ∙ Gil Perry & Donna Sachs ∙ James Perry ∙ Susan and Dan Perry ∙ Geraldine Perry-Lopes in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Deardra Phillips ∙ Leonard Phillips ∙ Robert & Marilyn Pielech ∙ Norma Pimental ∙ Nancy Pimental ∙ Carol Pimentel ∙ Maria Pimentel ∙ Maria Pimentel-Raposo ∙ Toni Pires ∙ Donna and Kenneth Piva ∙ Jeff Pontiff and Diane Stevens ∙ Danielle N. Poyant ∙ Lucy Iannotti and David Prentiss ∙ Suzanne and William C. Prescott ∙ Patrick and Ute Prevost ∙ Margit Price ∙ Stephanie Prior ∙ Regina Purtell ∙ Stephanie Curvelo ∙ Beverly & Robert Quintin ∙ Robert Quirk ∙ David Rauh ∙ Ronald Raymond ∙ Barbara Ready ∙ Joseph J Reardon ∙ Lou Ricciardi ∙ Linda Richter ∙ Miriam and Jerry Riding ∙ Joel Ristuccia and Joan Sapir ∙ Cynthia Ritter ∙ Mary Rizzuto ∙ Donna M. Robitaille ∙ Colantonio Inc. ∙ Pauline Roderiques ∙ Alice A. Root ∙ Brian Rose ∙ Dr. Bruce and Cynthia Rose ∙ Katherine Rose ∙ Willie Pearl Rose ∙ Roger C. Rosen, M.D. ∙ Rick Rosenfeld ∙ Hannah Ross ∙ Eve and Jonathan Rounds ∙ Eve and Jonathan Rounds ∙ Marc and Meredith Rousseau ∙ Bob and Inez Roy ∙ Susan and Donny Rudnick ∙ Laureeann Ruel ∙ Rosemary Medeiros Saber ∙ Timothy Safford ∙ Dawn Estabrooks Salerno ∙ David Saluto ∙ New Bedford Economic Development Council ∙ Gerald Santos ∙ Jeannette and Antonio Santos ∙ Joel Ristuccia and Joan Sapir ∙ Susan Sargent and Tom Peters ∙ Margo Saulnier ∙ Yvonne Saulnier ∙ Deborah Sawyer ∙ Irene Schall ∙ Thomas and Katharine Schmitt ∙ David Schofield ∙ Kathy Schulman ∙ Jody Seivert ∙ Peter & Janice Selley ∙ Patricia Semmens ∙ Ryan Shachoy Family Fund ∙ Jim Sharland ∙ Benjamin Shattuck ∙ Dedee and Bill Shattuck ∙ Roger and Pamela Shepley ∙ Pam Sherman ∙ Stephen Silva ∙ Jill Simoes ∙ Caroline Simon ∙ Suzanne Simoncini ∙ Joseph and Leslie Singleton-Moniz ∙ Alison and Adam Smart ∙ Chuck Smiler ∙ Charlotte and Ray Smith ∙ James Smith ∙ Jane and Walter Smith ∙ Pat and Sherman Smith ∙ Sally Smith ∙ Claudia and Ron Soares ∙ Constance Soares ∙ Rochelle Sokoll ∙ Marilyn & John Southam ∙ Robert A. Souza ∙ Janice and Tony Spark ∙ Pamela Spatz ∙ Carol and Andrew Springer ∙ Bonnie and Robert Stapleton ∙ Pamela Steele ∙ Fredi and Howard Stevenson ∙ Margot Stone ∙ June Strunk ∙ Mary Studley ∙ Stephen and Marcia Sullivan ∙ Nicholas and Deborah Sullivan ∙ Geoff and Judy Swett ∙ Tom Swift ∙ Michael Sylvia ∙ Rick and Joann Sylvia ∙ Shannon Synan ∙ Richard Tabors ∙ Josef Tatelbaum ∙ Michael and Claudia Tavares ∙ Thomas Taylor ∙ Robert Teixeira, Jr. ∙ Kathy and John Thompson ∙ Miriam Towle-Lopes ∙ Cathleen Travassos ∙ Sarah Treco ∙ Paul Tripp ∙ Pamela Trippe ∙ Phillip and Deborah Trombly ∙ James Vieira and Pamela Truesdale ∙ Jaye Tyler ∙ Joan Underwood ∙ Bob Unger and Barbara LeBlanc ∙ Zora A. Valentine ∙ Blair and Brad Van Brunt ∙ Ellen S. Vaughan ∙ Ann Marie Ventura ∙ Leonard and Dawn Ventura ∙ Mrs. Rhonda Veugen ∙ Carlos Vieira ∙ Deb Vieira ∙ Patricia Villanueva ∙ Priscilla Wade ∙ Kids Count, Child Care ∙ Norris Walecka, Claire Walecka ∙ Richard Walker ∙ Gregory Wallace in Honor of Janet and Vern Wallace ∙ Iris and Gary Wallace ∙ David & Betty Watson ∙ Donald and Ellen Watson ∙ Ann Webster ∙ Clara Weeks-Boutilier and Carl G. Boutilier ∙ Jane Weigel ∙ Kimberly S. Welty ∙ Drs. Laura Dunphy and Paul Westfall ∙ John and Constance Whalen in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Whelan Family Foundation in memory of Ben Baker ∙ Anne Whitaker ∙ Samuel Knight and Anna Whitcomb ∙ Christopher White ∙ Katherine S. White ∙ Kirk Whiting ∙ Lynn Whitney ∙ Kate Will ∙ Peter Willett ∙ Nina and Kent Willever ∙ Kathy Williams ∙ Marjorie Williams and Michael Tushman ∙ Elizabeth Winiarz ∙ Catherine Winterhalter ∙ Pam Winterhalter ∙ Susan Wood ∙ Robina Worcester ∙ Martha Sibor Worley ∙ David and Grace Wyss ∙ Wally Zembo ∙ Ginia and Peter Ziobro ∙ Robin Zora ∙ Peter and Julie Jenks Zorach

Zeiterion Performing Arts Center undergoes $37M renovation

Zeiterion Performing Arts Center undergoes $37M renovation

Zeiterion Performing Arts Center undergoes $37M renovation

We’re Here to Help!

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us!

Nicole Merusi

Vice President of Strategic Advancement
508.997.5664 ext.111

Molly McCarthy

Director of Development
508.997.5664 ext.143
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